Tokenomics, International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security and Protocols is an international forum for theory, design, analysis, implementation and applications of blockchains and smart contracts. Original interdisciplinary works exploring the conjunction of economic concerns with distributed systems, networks and system security are particularly encouraged.
The goal of the conference is to bring economists together with computer science researchers and practitioners working on blockchains in a unique program featuring outstanding invited talks, selected academic presentations and work in progress presentations. Selected academic presentations will be published in the proceedings of the conference.
There is no participation fee for the conference.
The “best paper”, as selected by the organizing committee, will be awarded the "Asseth - Kaiko Prize for Research in Cryptoeconomics" (1,500 €).
The "Asseth - Kaiko Prize for Research in Cryptoeconomics" to awarded to the article "A Smart Contract Oracle for Approximating Real-world, Real Number Values" authored by William George and Clément Lesaege from Kleros Cooperative.
Individual proceedings are available
here and full pdf
Important Dates:
January 15,
February 1, 2019 (extended)
: Submission deadline.
March 1, 2019
March 15, 2019 (extended): Acceptance notification.
April 8, 2019 : Final version due. Please note that the final version must be prepared using the
LaTeX style templates for OASIcs.
April 29, 2019 (Strict):
Registration deadline. Places are limited. Attendees have to register at the following link
May 6-7, 2019: Conference.
program of Tokenomics 2019 is now available.
Papers are to be submitted electronically through HotCRP at the following
Submission link.
More information about the submission can be found at the
submission information page.
Asseth - Kaiko Prize for Research in Cryptoeconomics will reward best paper and talk.
Tokenomics 2019 is supported by

Tokenomics 2019 is financially supported by

Tokenomics 2019 is hosted by